Workflow Verification and Polynomial Algorithm of Model Decomposition 工作流模型验证及分解的多项式算法分析
FactorGEP: a novel factorization of polynomial algorithm based on GEP with gene reduction strategy 基于GEP基因约简策略的多项式因式分解
A method was developed to reduce any network to its minimum network using a time? based polynomial algorithm. 给出了求给定网络的最小网络的一个多项式时间算法。
Four special capacity expansion problem of undirected network were discussed and the responsible strongly polynomial algorithm was get. 讨论了无向网络容量扩充的4种特殊问题,给出了相应的强多项式算法。
The transport problem with fixed charge is a kind of NP problem, and there is no polynomial algorithm which can solve it. 带固定费用的运输问题是一类NP难题,没有多项式算法可以求解。
In the paper, a model based diagnosis using qualitative causal model and polynomial algorithm is presented, which has less computation burden and the correctness of this new algorithm is proved. 提出一种使用定性因果与多项式算法的模型诊断方法,此方法可以明显地减少诊断的计算量,并且对这种新算法的正确性给予了证明。
The problem of perfect sorting by reversals and deletions was considered, and one kind of polynomial algorithm was given. 研究了基于翻转和删除形式的染色体完美重组问题,并给出了多项式算法。
The second chapter, we introduce the basic theories of Strongly Polynomial Algorithm for the Linear Programming. The third chapter, we present a direct method to solve transportation problem. 第二章介绍了线性规划强多项式直接算法的基本理论.第三章主要是给出了运输问题直接算法的基本定理和算法复杂性分析;
A Polynomial Algorithm to Decide Liveness and Boundedness of ESAC Nets 关于ESAC网活性和有界性的一个多项式算法
Following several properties of an optimal schedule, a polynomial algorithm is proposed to minimize the sum of all the penalties. 首先给出最优排序的一些性质,进而提出一个多项式时间算法以最小化这些费用的和。
The MIMO system modal parameter identification methods based on Frequency Domain Orthogonal Polynomial algorithm is stressed and discussed. 本文重点讨论了多输入多输出频域正交多项式模态参数识别方法。
The method is polynomial algorithm. 井区是多项式算法。
Model based diagnosis using qualitative model and polynomial algorithm 定性因果与多项式算法的模型诊断方法
This paper presents a polynomial algorithm to determine whether a threshold graph is a Hamiltonian graph. It is also shown that STEINER tree problem in threshold graph is NP-complete and a polynomial approximate algorithm for it is proposed. 本文给出了判定阈图是否为哈密顿图的多项式时间算法,并证明了阈图上STEINER树问题是NP-完全的,给出解答它的多项式时间近似算法。
For a special case the sufficient condition is presented in which the problem can be solved by a polynomial algorithm. 给出了对于一种特殊情况,问题存在多项式最优算法的充分条件。
That is to say, we can not use any polynomial algorithm to solve this kind of problems. 也就是说,不能用任何已知的多项式算法求解这种问题。
A polynomial algorithm about minimal marking of structural live Petri nets is presented, it is based on incidence matrix and the constructive of transitions sequence. 从网的关联矩阵以及所定义变迁发生序列的结构,求解结构活网的极小标识,得到了一个多项式时间算法。
A polynomial algorithm for weighted abduction problem 一类赋权诱导问题的多项式时间算法
Normal direction elimination and strong polynomial algorithm for linear programming 法向消元和线性规划强多项式算法
In this paper. we present three new models of combinatorial optimization problems. Furthermore, a polynomial algorithm to Model ⅰ and a quasi-polynomial algorithm to Model ⅱ are given, Their complexity are O ( N2) and O ( N2a) respectively. 本文介绍三个新的组合最优化模型,并分别给出复杂性为O(N2)和O(N2α)的多项式算法和拟多项式算法。
A polynomial algorithm for a SNP problem 一个SNP问题的多项式时间算法
Minimum network problem and its time-based polynomial algorithm 最小网络问题及其多项式时间算法
A strong polynomial algorithm is proposed to solve the problem. 讨论了此类问题的特性,并给出了解决问题的一个强多项式算法。
We study uncapacitated version of the minimum cost flow problem of one-commodity and two-commodity with not only fixed cost but also variable cost, and give them each a polynomial algorithm. 本文研究了无容量限制的带固定费用和可变费用的单物资和二物资的最小费用流问题,并分别给出了多项式算法。
Besides, we give a polynomial algorithm to solve the one group case to optimality. 此外,还讨论了如何最优地求解只有一个工件组的情形。
Simplifying the some formulas of the Strongly Polynomial Algorithm for the Linear Programming by projection matrix. 利用投影矩阵简化了逐维选强多项式算法理论的表达。
Then we construct a capacity cost network from the debt credit degree network. Finally, by applying minimum cost circulation flow problem, we give a polynomial algorithm for this model. 然后由债务信度网络构造了容量费用网络,利用最小费用循环流问题给出了该模型的一个多项式算法。
A polynomial algorithm to find the maximum induced forest of a strongly chordal graph is given. 文中同时给出了在强弦图上求最大导出森林的多项式算法。
For the latter part of emergency material dispatch, decomposition established single and a variety of fast moving consumer goods scheduling model, using pseudo polynomial algorithm to calculate, and then an example is given to validate the rationality of the model and the validity of the algorithm. 对于后期应急物资的调度,分解建立了单种及多种快速消费品调度模型,采用拟多项式算法进行计算,接着用算例验证了模型的合理性及算法的有效性。
The assignment problem is important in the Operational Research. A fast polynomial algorithm is the famous so called "Hungarian algorithm". 指派问题是运筹学中的一个重要问题,它的一个快速的多项式算法就是著名的匈牙利算法。